Jessica S
9/25/24, 11:51:16 AM EDT
Christopher B
How about now? What is the problem?
They quit again
They quit again
I just noticed that you moved money into your bank account. Since learning that, I transferred money to Guatemala via Xoom. Waiting for that to land. IN the mean time, I paid Alfredo/JOrge since that's two of them. Once the Xoom transfer lands, I'll paid Santos.
Jessica S
9/25/24, 11:52:43 AM EDT
Jessica S
I just noticed that you moved money into your bank account. Since learning that, I transferred money to Guatemala via Xoom. Waiting for that to land. IN the mean time, I paid Alfredo/JOrge since that's two of them. Once the Xoom transfer lands, I'll paid Santos.
It's helpful if you can let me know that you are transferring money into your account from somewhere. Because when I don't know this, I am still thinking about the best way to make this happen.
Christopher B
9/25/24, 11:54:10 AM EDT
I am surprised there was not enough money in there already. I am trying to log into GT. Did the password change or anything?
Jessica S
9/25/24, 11:55:07 AM EDT
Christopher B
You could have paid at least one the the guys?
Money moved. Santos is paid.
Jessica S
10/3/24, 8:10:10 AM EDT
Not sure if it got missed earlier, so just putting it here in case. We are missing all 2024 income data for Rosas. Can we check for a back-up?
Christopher B
10/8/24, 5:12:33 AM EDT
I think we should consider listing with a web site that works with Google Maps. I notice I tend to use it while I travel. For example:,cDJIbLmZOXTw7X64aLfFFj7Xi8R9Q8hahpZku5ZPbIfnlq-aHunIq_QnioiLgqw703OOBIGLEDoe8iPujhbkTg,-bkng-Hotel&adults=2&childs=0&infants=0&childrens=0&country=TR¤cy=TRY&language=en&source=mapresults&utm_campaign=hotel&prid=foreign&gad_source=6&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsJO4BhDoARIsADDv4vCaLXcUbN8ZZmX4yTN2EjEHDtH02ZQpSr6jhkB0gtV5EDSRRBvIc5saAoDAEALw_wcB
Jessica S
10/8/24, 5:46:48 AM EDT
Never heard of blue pillow. But we can try. I wonder if there are fees.
Christopher B
10/9/24, 6:14:25 PM EDT
please send a donation of 500q for Karla Herrera for her legal needs.
Jessica S
10/9/24, 6:50:25 PM EDT
I'll just try again tomorrow I guess, if you think it didn't go through. Sometimes it's a false alarm message and I didn't want to send her 1,000.
Jessica S
10/14/24, 9:27:38 AM EDT
Can we account for Cecilia's and Juana's expenses so I can track them against the rents that they have?
Jessica S
10/23/24, 10:01:37 AM EDT
Will there be an accounting of Juana's expenses week to week? So far, I have that you paid her 2,000q this month in wages (from the 4000q that she received from Camila).