Crystal E
8/22/23, 12:40:58 PM EDT
Christopher as you asked me not to work on this project any more I just marked my part of the project as complete. I communicated early this morning with Claire about putting the screen shots into the booking
Christopher B
1/30/24, 11:45:15 AM EST
Hi Claire, Can you share this project with me again?
Christopher B
6/20/24, 11:56:57 PM EDT
Just Spent 130 on Pizza with Alex.
I want to make a flyer for Zapallar house soon
Need to ask my friend for better photos
Christopher B
6/23/24, 8:27:28 PM EDT
I'm showing the Shanti Cabin to a couple with dogs who are willing to pay 3000q. But I need to replace the gate first
Jessica S
6/24/24, 1:38:19 PM EDT
I could use some help to find where to pay EnerGuate in the bank's new layout. It doesn't seem to be in favorites, most used or available in the search. I have made notes to myself on navigating the ACH payments and I think I see Tigo ok, just EnerGuate is stumping me.
Christopher B
6/24/24, 2:01:39 PM EDT
Here is Juana data dump:
14 Mayo Rosa
10-11 Mayo
100 Hoyas
20 Pega mescas
25 Carnet with passport
100 Suenso y Paz 28 Mayo
100 2 Junio
200 Pastel cecilia
Total: 1045
I Paid
Judd: 200+300
100 Toilet
+ 50 cash today