Jessica S
7/24/24, 7:38:35 PM EDT
Christopher B
Ill update it again next week after I talk to her
OK, I paid her 640, but it looks like maybe there was an error?
Christopher B
7/24/24, 7:39:19 PM EDT
What kind of error? After hours I might need to set to pay for tomorrow
Jessica S
7/24/24, 7:39:52 PM EDT
Christopher B
What kind of error? After hours I might need to set to pay for tomorrow
I was watching you edit the document and you changed the number.
Jessica S
7/24/24, 8:24:24 PM EDT
Christopher B
I got invoices going out again. Hope it stays running.
Hooray! Thank you!! :-)
Jessica S
7/24/24, 9:41:35 PM EDT
Christopher B
might need to go back and email for previous months manually.
July is the only time it's broken since we started it up in the spring and did back emails then. I believe we're now fully up-to-date, unless there something I'm not thinking of?
Christopher B
7/25/24, 8:04:49 PM EDT
Need to pay the handy man. He's charging 800q for bathroom, door and sanding repairs at Sueños. and 200 Shanti and 300 Rosa. I also paid him 400q for materials used in all the houses evenly.
Christopher B
7/25/24, 8:24:26 PM EDT
And also, Diego just asked to be paid for 4 days of work for a debt. it's 800q
Jessica S
7/25/24, 10:17:52 PM EDT
Christopher B
Need to pay the handy man. He's charging 800q for bathroom, door and sanding repairs at Sueños. and 200 Shanti and 300 Rosa. I also paid him 400q for materials used in all the houses evenly.
Which one is the handy man?
Jessica S
7/25/24, 10:19:40 PM EDT
Christopher B
No. De cuenta 4093199707 Miguel Alfredo ahorro
Oh wait, this is the handy man? I thought you were saying "No" like answering a question rather than "No" as number.